Deep Night Season 11: Paco Romane
Paco Romane Interview

Dale lights up whenever he sees comedian Paco Romane. Dale and Paco go back to their time in San Francisco at the dawn of the last millennium. Paco was a jazz musician longing to do comedy and Dale was a comedian ready to pursue the jazz of life. The two friends discuss what happened when Dale turned over the hosting duties of his fledgling monthly variety show to Paco (spoiler alert – it went very well). Plus Dale learns about Paco’s radio days, his childhood dreams to be on stage, and his significant history as part San Francisco’s comedy scene. In addition to stand up, Paco is also the co-host of the documentary podcast, Sup Doc (along with past Deep Night guest, George Chen) and so of course, Dale starts bringing up a bunch of docs he’s seen recently – though he can’t seem to remember the title of a single one. And Dale shares a memory that has eerie parallels to the recent finale episode of Game of Thrones.
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